In the life of a large number of people there are cases when you need to prove in writing any point of view, to explain their way of action, to tell the impression of something, to tell about yourself, etc. and the like. And of course for this for the most part be appropriate as times writing essay. In the available note, we will discuss directly what an essay is and how to scribble it. Here we give a slight explanation: the publication is presented in the form of certain informative structures that reveal some of the specifics of the essay.
What is an essay?
Essay – a small article written in the prose genre and also which has a free structure, and of course reflects the subjective views, reasoning and impressions of the individual on the subject. But first the essay almost does not pretend to be perfect or staple in this issue.
Task essay
The idea of the essay is mainly considered to be the improvement of creative thinking and the art of written expression of existing thoughts. And the progress of his writings is quite necessary, because conducive to learning and enhancing the skills of formulation of ideas, data structuring, detection of causal ligaments, registration available experience all sorts of examples and reasoning to conclusions.
Properties of the essay
- Moderate size
By and large, of course, there are no conditioned limits in terms of volume for the essay. But recommend writing an essay in size from three to seven pages of computer material. But, for example, many colleges in Europe are allowed to make an essay up to ten pages, but at Harvard business school essays are created only on two sheets.
- Object specification and interpretation personality
Every essay has an exact question every time. That is why the essay by definition does not have the opportunity to look at the broad problems, include a huge number of ideas, and should display and develop only one idea or answer a single question.
- Free structure
In the essay there can be practically no formal boundaries. Often, many works in the style of essays are not based on logic, but on the contrary are subject to any arbitrary associations and have the ability to including be created by the type of “All the way around”.
- Ease of narration
Working on the essay, the Creator must comply with the confidential manner of communication with the reader, to abandon the complex, excessively rigid, unclear definitions. And it is necessary to have at ease the theme, to be able to portray it from a variety of angles, in order to present the reader with a multifaceted point of view on the problem under consideration, which can become the Foundation of his future thoughts.
- The use of paradoxes
In many cases, the essay is designed to cause a person to amaze. Some experts also find this criterion indispensable. The starting point for a person’s thoughts becomes some expression, contradiction, saturated statement that can knock together a couple of mutually exclusive ideas, etc.
- A unity of meaning
This is just one of the contradictions of the essay: different free composition and subjective interpretation of the product along with this has an internal logical integrity. In other words, the compatibility of the main provisions and statements of the writer, the correspondence of associations and arguments and common judgments are possible.
- Focus on speaking
The essay should be focused on accessible to any person colloquial speech, but should not contain stereotypical words and formulations, frivolous character, slang or jargon. The presentation should be easy, but perceived very thoughtfully.
The structure and plan of the essay
The construction of the essay is often due to two conditions: the images of the Creator can be shown in the form of compressed theses, and they must be reasoned.
The role of the arguments is allowed to trot out some facts, phenomena, events, cases, experiences, research confirmation, the testimony of experts, etc. It is best to use two arguments for each thesis. It is two, because the only one may seem unconvincing, while three and above – overload the compressed and figurative statement.