This is a writer’s genre, a small work, the purpose of which is to Express their own views on any circumstance. It makes sense to support the point of view with common thoughts and additional arguments.
Purpose and features
For this direction there are the following characteristics. Small size. Conditions can vary greatly depending on the motive and the problem. For example, the maximum volume presented for Harvard business school students is two sheets of written text. Content whenever specific. It is not characterized by symbolic statements, allegorical Yes fuzzy reasoning that everyone is able to comprehend in their own way. Thesis, the one that is put forward in the problem, is shown sensibly and unambiguously. Disclosure of the subject is based on it. The plot is usually subjective, because the purpose of the task is to show one’s own judgment, to demonstrate one’s own comprehension. That is why the same problem can be solved by different people in different ways. That’s right. Sayings. Now this essay criterion is usually omitted. Some linguists do not doubt that the paradoxical expressions, vivid abstracts, the confrontation between the seemingly contradictory and illogical arguments, also – the mandatory share directions. Because this style is designed to stun people. Democratic expression of thoughts. Unlike essays, reflections or research paper is to be narrative to the greatest extent, simply and clearly, to avoid difficult turns of speech and syntax, clichéd words and phrases. The coherence of the story, the semantic unity of the article. Perhaps that is why today skipped paradoxical expressions and theses. After all, you need to be a real master of the word, then to make two contradictory provisions complementary. Conversational style of presentation. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a balance so that the story does not remain excessively careless. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the use of slang, when this use does not require the intent and subject matter necessarily.
How to write an essay: basic secrets
A characteristic feature of this direction is the perfect will of the concept of structure and expression of ideas. A single clear position – it is necessary to clearly Express their opinion on this topic, the one that goes as the title.
Most often, the acceptable structure of the essay: input, thesis-argument, conclusion.
The writer uses the necessary number of theses to solve the problem. The author maintains the required size of the text. To the same this of course permissible, but not binding structure. She can be free, too. The conclusion is allowed to be presented in the form of a provision at the beginning, and in the text all this to give justification. Or it is allowed to put forward an idea that is refuted in the course of the essay. In such a case, the conclusion is the exact opposite of the starting position. It is also permissible to offer a couple of theses and arguments, and then make a conclusion. A different order of presentation of ideas is also allowed.
Also note that almost always the reader has a General idea about the topic of the essay. There is no need to disclose specific definitions and explain difficult moments. It is only necessary to Express an opinion on the established topics. In addition, you can read the characteristics of different types of essay here:
Plan, examples, templates
There is no clear structure of the essay. The specific standard of the plan, in turn, is absent. Those who need a plan in the process of preparing the text are allowed to use the standard one. A typical Plan has an introduction, a main part, and a conclusion. introduction, during which the basic concept is put forward. The main part of the arguments put forward to confirm the main thesis. Suppose we need to provide evidence, in consequence of which the decrease in interest in the history of the big city is bad has a big impact on the growing generation. It is necessary to watch that moment that there was no substitution of provisions. First, it is guided by the arguments to prove what was discussed at the beginning. Only then (if necessary) to put forward a further thesis. If there is a wish or need, the following provisions are put forward in the same way, with arguments arising from the previous ones. the conclusion sums up absolutely everything said (composed). The conclusion the writer came to through reasoning. This point is necessary.