Table of Contents
What is centrifugal end suction pump?
An end suction pump is a centrifugal pump that has a casing with suction going out one end and discharge coming out the other. These pumps are usually a single stage with only one impeller.
What is horizontal end suction pump?
End-suction pumps are designed so that the incoming water enters the pump horizontally through the end. They are single-suction and can either be close-coupled or flexible-coupled. In a close-coupled pump, the impeller is directly mounted to the motor shaft.
How does end suction pump work?
End suction pumps are one of the most common types of centrifugal pumps. They work when the pumped liquid increases velocity as it moves along the vanes of the impeller; then the liquid moves into the volute casing, where a diffusion process converts the high velocity to high pressure.
What is the difference between end suction and split casing pump?
What is a horizontal split case pump? A type of centrifugal pump, in which the casing is split into two separate chambers. It’s different from an end suction pump or inline pump, in which the casing, the suction nozzle, and the discharge nozzle are all included in a single chamber.
What does end suction pump means?
An End Suction Pump is a type of Centrifugal Pump where the suction is axial and the discharge is at 90 degrees to the suction. Usually, it is a single stage pump but some manufacturers make multi-stage versions. The most common materials used are cast iron, bronze and stainless steel.
What is a double suction pump?
Double-suction pumps are employed when the flow rate required of a centrifugal pump becomes too large for the inlet cross-sections of one impeller or when the flow velocity in the inlet cross-section of the first impeller has to be reduced to prevent cavitation. …
What is end suction pumps?
An End Suction Pump is a type of Centrifugal Pump where the suction is axial and the discharge is at 90 degrees to the suction. Usually on larger end-suction pumps, the casing’s main feature is a dual volute to reduce the forces acting on the impeller, motor, shaft and bearings.
What are advantages of double suction pumps?
This double suction design eliminates the axial forces on the impeller which allows for higher flows than single suction. As a result, double suction pumps are also less vulnerable to the wear and tear caused by axial thrust, which occurs when water enters the impeller.
What is double suction pumps?
What are the advantages of double suction pumps?
What is the meaning of double suction?
Double-suction pumps are employed when the flow rate required of a centrifugal pump becomes too large for the inlet cross-sections of one impeller or when the flow velocity in the inlet cross-section of the first impeller has to be reduced to prevent cavitation.
What is a double suction impeller?
Impellers can be either single suction or double-suction. A single-suction impeller allows liquid to enter the center of the blades from only one direction. A double-suction impeller allows liquid to enter the center of the impeller blades from both sides simultaneously.
¿Cómo utilizar el ultrasonido en la cirugía mínima invasiva?
De igual manera, el ultrasonido se utiliza para producir imágenes en tiempo real de la localización de la punta de un catéter mientras se inserta en un vaso sanguíneo y es guiado a lo largo del vaso. También se puede utilizar en la cirugía mínimamente invasiva, para guiar al cirujano con imágenes del interior del cuerpo en tiempo real.
¿Qué puede producir el ultrasonido?
Bajo algunas condiciones, el ultrasonido puede producir imágenes de los huesos (como en un feto o en bebés pequeños) o de los pulmones y la membrana que los cubre, cuando están llenos o parcialmente llenos de fluido.
¿Cómo se coloca el ultrasonido en la cirugía?
Sin embargo, para optimizar la calidad de las imágenes, las sondas pueden colocarse dentro del cuerpo a través del tracto gastrointestinal, la vagina, o los vasos sanguíneos. Además, en ocasiones se utiliza el ultrasonido durante la cirugía mediante la colocación de una sonda estéril dentro del área donde se realiza la operación.
¿Qué son las sondas de ultrasonido?
Las sondas de ultrasonido, llamadas transductores, producen ondas sonoras que tienen frecuencias por arriba del umbral del oído humano (arriba de 20KHz), aunque la mayoría de los transductores en uso actual operan a frecuencias mucho más altas (en el rango de megahercios (MHz)).