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What is EDAS cycle no army?
Enlisted Distribution Assignment System (EDAS) EDAS and Web EDAS (web-based version) are tools that allows the query of personnel, assignment, organizational and statistical data for active enlisted Soldiers.
What is an EDAS cycle date?
quick facts… A cycle period is for 8 weeks and covers a 9 month window. January cycle last until Feb 28, report dates are primarily in Aug and Sep 2019. EDAS is not used to determine what assignments to fill.
What is a DEC statement?
It is nothing more than a statement of intent that a person does not desire to continue service. If you make the declaration, the Army will not take you at your word and just cancel your orders. There are measures in place to force you to live up to the DEC Statement such as preventing you from being able to reenlist.
What are Army AEA codes?
Assignment Eligibility Availability (AEA) Codes K – Soldiers returning from an OCONUS deployment of 61 to 139 days. L – Soldiers eligible for PCS reassignment, subject to normal time on station restrictions. N – Soldiers that are currently deployed. R – Soldiers returning from an OCONUS deployment of 140 or more days.
What is Itapdb?
Integrated Total Army Personnel Database (ITAPDB) Records.
What is RFO army?
RFO – request for orders.
How do I find my army projections?
Once you log in to AKO, you will see “Army Links” on the right side of the page. Click on “Assignment Satisfaction Key”, then “On Orders”. Your assignment location can be seen there. You must remember though that nothing is official until your orders are published.
What is a DA 3340?
DA Form 3340 “Request for Continued Service in the Regular Army”
What is a DA 4991?
Download DA Form 4991 “Declination of Continued Service Statement”
What is AEA Code W?
Army HRC on Twitter: “Changes to AEA code “W” (organizational stabilization) is now restricted to HRC input only.
What is compassionate reassignment in the army?
A compassionate reassignment is a reassignment of a soldier to another duty station prior to his or her scheduled permanent change of station (PCS). It normally occurs in response to a family emergency, hardship, or other situation in which a soldier’s presence at another duty station is warranted.
What is Tapdb R?
Total Army Personnel Data Base – Reserve (TAPDB-R) is the corporate database of record for information pertaining to Soldiers in the. Army Reserve.
What does EDAs stand for in military category?
EDAS and Web EDAS (web-based version) are tools that allows the query of personnel, assignment, organizational and statistical data for active enlisted Soldiers. The application allows for “drill down” from the statistical data and between personnel and assignment data as needed.
Can a request for early arrival be made through EDAs?
All requests for deletion, deferment, or early arrival must be submitted through the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment (EDAS) in accordance with applicable guidance, with the exception of requests based on operational or compassionate needs.
Where can I get access to the HRC EDAs?
To obtain access to the EDAS or Web EDAS, see the locally appointed HRC User Registration System (HIMS)/Information Assurance Security Officer (IASO) assigned to your personnel service battalion. Your HIMS/IASO will forward the necessary information to the Registrar Office.
Where can I find the Duns code for EDAs?
Our DUNS code is 968744537. From 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Time (United States) Monday through Friday only, the company can be reached at +1 201 676-2711. We encourage users to send support requests using the EDAS Help function or by email.