Table of Contents
What is capture and fusion beats?
VT, capture beats occur when an occasional, normal sino-atrial node impulse is conducted through to the ventricle. Fusion beats occur when ventricular muscle is depolarized simultaneously by both a normal, supraventricular and abnormal, ventricular beat, which produces a QRS duration length between the two (Fig. 3).
What is capture beats?
A capture beat occurs when an atrial impulse arrives at the AV node when the node has just recovered from its refractory period. The timing must be just right, because the AV node is frequently in its refractory state as a result of depolarization caused by retrograde conduction from the rapid ventricular rhythm.
What is Tu Fusion?
T-U fusion is the fusion between the T wave and U wave, is usually evident as notched T waves, and its presence is associated with several implications. In the presented case, amiodarone therapy was a trigger for the prominent U waves as well as prolongation of the QT interval and T-U fusion.
How can you tell the difference between AV dissociation and complete heart block?
The critical difference between AV dissociation resulting from “desynchronization” of the SA and AV nodes from that of conduction failure and complete heart block is as follows: with AV dissociation (e.g., isorhythmic type) a properly timed P wave can be conducted through to the AV node, whereas with complete heart …
How can you tell if you have a complete heart block?
Complete Heart Block:
- Atrial rate is ~ 85 bpm.
- Ventricular rate is ~ 38 bpm.
- None of the atrial impulses appear to be conducted to the ventricles.
- Rhythm is maintained by a junctional escape rhythm.
- Marked inferior ST elevation indicates that the cause is an inferior STEMI.
What does the U wave mean on ECG?
The ‘U’ wave is a wave on an electrocardiogram (ECG). It comes after the T wave of ventricular repolarization and may not always be observed as a result of its small size. ‘U’ waves are thought to represent repolarization of the Purkinje fibers.
What are fusion complexes?
Fusion Complex. An electrocardiographic finding that occurs when electrical activation of the atria or ventricles occurs from two separate sites. This results in a P wave or QRS complex that displays merged characteristics of beats originating from the two different sites. ( NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
What are fusion beats?
Fusion Beats. A fusion beat occurs when a supraventricular and a ventricular impulse coincide to produce a hybrid complex. It indicates that there are two foci of pacemaker cells firing simultaneously: a supraventricular pacemaker (e.g. the sinus node) and a competing ventricular pacemaker (source of ventricular ectopics). The fusion beats are…
What is Ventricular fusion?
A fusion beat occurs when electrical impulses from different sources act upon the same region of the heart at the same time. If it acts upon the ventricular chambers it is called a ventricular fusion beat, whereas colliding currents in the atrial chambers produce atrial fusion beats.