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Did not budge meaning?
to refuse to change your opinion or decision about something. We’ve tried everything but they won’t budge on the price. Synonyms and related words. To not change, or to refuse to change your opinion.
What does budge mean slang?
Budge is most often used in a negative way, as in “I won’t budge” or “They wouldn’t budge.” This word often applies to stubborn people. Since budge means to move just a tiny bit, what’s the big deal? Someone who accuses you of not budging is basically saying you should. Definitions of budge.
What do you call someone who doesn’t budge?
inexorable Add to list Share. When a person is inexorable, they’re stubborn. An inexorable person is hard-headed and cannot be convinced to change their mind, no matter what.
How do you use budge in a sentence?
Budge sentence example. He sensed she wasn’t going to budge this time and relented. He wasn’t going to budge . Both sides would n’t budge , they wanted all or nothing.
What is the meaning of Budge Budge?
intransitive verb. 1 : move, shift the mule wouldn’t budge. 2 : to give way : yield wouldn’t budge on the issue. transitive verb. : to cause to move or change.
Is budge a real word?
verb (used without object), budged, budg. ing. to move slightly; begin to move: He stepped on the gas but the car didn’t budge.
What is the opposite of a stubborn person?
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms stubborn. Antonyms: docile, tractable, manageable, pliant, pliable, malleable, flexible. Synonyms: tough, unbending, unyielding, hard, obstinate, intractable, obdurate, stiff, harsh, inflexible, headstrong, refractory, heady, contumacious, pig-headed.
What does not budge an inch mean?
: to make even a slight change in opinion or attitude I begged him to reconsider, but he wouldn’t give/budge an inch.
How do you use budge an inch in a sentence?
What does it mean to budge in line?
To push oneself into a line of people; to push oneself in front of (someone) in a line; to push oneself into (a line); hence n budger one who does this; v back-budge to push oneself into a line behind (someone).
What’s the kids definition of the word Budge?
Kids Definition of budge. 1 : to move or cause to move especially slightly. 2 : to give in He wouldn’t budge in his decision. Keep scrolling for more. Comments on budge.
How much money has been spent on Budge?
These audiences didn’t want yesterday’s news, or even this morning’s; the slightest budge toward progress was meaningful and welcome. — New York Times, 24 Mar. 2021 Total budge appropriations, including all district funds, total $98.3 million, with general fund appropriations of $75.85 million.
What does Budge stand for in Beauty category?
— Brian Lisik, cleveland, 22 Sep. 2020 Bromhead says that budge -proof, foolproof cosmetics — like MAC products — are crucial for working with O’Hara, who is perhaps one of the most expressive comedic actors in Hollywood.
Which is an example of a Budge color?
— Jessica Teich, Good Housekeeping, 19 Aug. 2020 Wonderblading Lip Color — a peel-off, two-step lip stain that lasts up to 10 hours — as an example of how color could evolve to be mind-bendingly budge -proof.