Table of Contents
What is optimum population of a country?
The optimum size of population is which along with the existing natural resources and a given state of technology, yields the highest income per capita in a country. The optimum population means the best and the most desirable size of a country’s population.
What is under optimum population?
The term optimum population may be defined as a density of population which with the given resources and skills, produces the maximum (greatest) economic welfare (usually the maximum income per capita) or allows the highest standard of living.
How do you find optimum population?
The founders of the theory state it as “Given the natural resources, stock of capital and the state of technical knowledge, there will be a definite size of population with the per capita income. The population which has the highest per capita income is known as optimum population”.
What is the optimum population of India?
At the current rate of growth, India’s population is likely to peak by 2047 at about 1.61 billion and then decline to 1.03 billion by 2100. However, were it to meet UN Sustainable Goal Development targets, the peak would be earlier and see a population decline to 929 million.
What are the disadvantages of optimum population?
The Optimum Theory of population has following limitations:
- The optimum theory is based on economic consideration only.
- The optimum population is an imaginary concept because, less population cannot be increased nor can more population be reduced instantly.
- It is difficult to achieve the optimum population.
What defines overpopulation?
Overpopulation is the state whereby the human population rises to an extent exceeding the carrying capacity of the ecological setting. Due to immigration, the decline in mortality rates, medical breakthroughs, and increased birth rates, populations will always increase and eventually gives rise to overpopulation.
What is optimum and overpopulation?
This is the optimum size. The optimum number can, therefore, be defined as the one at which per capita income is the highest. Under-population and Over-population: If the population of a country is below the optimum, i.e., below what it ought to be, then the country is said to be under-populated.
What are disadvantages of population?
Population affects the environment through the use of natural resources and production of wastes. These lead to loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution and increased pressure on land. Excessive deforestation and overgrazing by the growing population has led to land degradation.
What is an example of overpopulation?
Overpopulation cause pollution. Mexico city, for example, is overpopulated and air pollution is an issue. When you wait longer with your car, you cause atmospheric pollution. In some instances, overpopulation cause wars and conflicts (such as some parts of Africa).
What does it mean to have an optimum population?
Optimum population refers to the size of a population that produces the best results according to chosen end targets.
What are the end-targets for an optimum population?
Regarding the human population, end-targets for an optimum population include ecological sustainability, economic output and philosophical or ethical ends-in-themselves .
How is the optimum theory of population criticized?
A Static Theory: The optimum theory is criticized as a static short period theory. It ignores changes in natural and human resources which affect per capita income. This theory is also silent about the important questions of the determinants of population growth. 3. Neglects Biological and Sociological Factors:
Is there an optimal population size for humans?
It is possible to estimate an optimal human population size based on various criteria and assumptions. Here, we do not deal with the lower bound of the human population (the minimum viable population) as we are certainly well above that limit. Concerning the upper bound, we have to consider the carrying capacity of the Earth for Homo sapiens.