What does AVB stand for?
Acronym | Definition |
AVB | Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker (plumbing) |
AVB | Atrioventricular Block |
AVB | Applied Verbal Behavior (applied behavior analysis) |
AVB | Associated Volume Buyers |
What does AVB mean in construction?
By combining the air and vapor control, the air-vapor barrier (AVB) was born.
What does AVB mean in medical terms?
First-degree atrioventricular block (AVB) has traditionally been considered a benign electrocardiographic finding in healthy individuals.
Can I eat AVB?
Sprinkle on Food If you love the idea of ingesting your AVB but can’t be bothered to cook, (no judgement here, fellow take-out aficionados), fear not, because AVB can be easily added to any snack. Since it has already been decarboxylated in the vaping process, there’s no need for any extra steps before eating.
What is AVB marketing?
What are agency volume bonification deals? Commonly referred to as AVBs, agency volume deals, rebates or media kick-backs, these deals typically take the form of cash incentives offered to media agencies by media owners to incent them to spend more on their properties.
What is the treatment for 1st degree AV block?
In general, no treatment is required for first-degree AV block unless prolongation of the PR interval is extreme (>400 ms) or rapidly evolving, in which case pacing is indicated. Prophylactic antiarrhythmic drug therapy is best avoided in patients with marked first-degree AV block.
Is first-degree heart block serious?
First-degree heart block is the least severe. The electrical signals slow down as they move from your atria to your ventricles. First-degree heart block might not require treatment of any kind. Mobitz type I: The electrical signals get slower and slower between beats.
What color should AVB be?
Usable AVB ‘already vaped bud’ needs to be brown, not black/burned, as by that point most beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes have gone up in smoke. This is what your AVB should look like; A nice brown, tobacco-like hue. If it’s black, it’s wack.
What is AVB net?
We are a data-driven agency delivering custom digital solutions to small business owners who have better things to worry about, like running a business.