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What is the correct order of the swing sequence?
The clubhead has the furthest distance to travel from the ground up to the top of the golf swing, therefore it must move first. The arms will follow in the sequence, then the torso, and lastly the hips.
What is the first move in the golf downswing?
The correct golf downswing sequence starts with a pressure shift to the lead leg, followed by an externally rotated trail arm to shallow the angle of the club, before rotating the torso through to impact.
What part of the body moves first in a golf swing?
Takeaway To start the swing, it’s important to remember to use your “big” muscles at first, instead of the “small” muscles. This means that the first movement is with the shoulders and arms, not the wrists. The shoulders and arms draw the club directly back along the target line until the hands reach waist-high.
What is the proper golf swing path?
The golf swing path is the arc the golf club head follows throughout the course of the golf swing. The path begins with the takeaway, arcing upward through the top of the swing, and then moves down through the ball and toward the target.
What is the perfect golf swing?
A perfect golf swing involves a very slight stop of motion at the top when the club is basically parallel to the ground on a full swing. This stop is essential for the weight to shift back toward the ball, but should not be noticeable and should be part of a smooth, crisp tempo.
What is the basic golf swing?
The start of learning proper golf swing basics is to first get into that proper swing stance. Set both feet with your weight distributed evenly on the middle part of your feet. Set your hips back, and then angle your upper body and spine forward, facing the ball. Then bend your knees a bit to get some added stability.
What is proper golf swing mechanics?
Golf swing mechanics. The golf swing needs to be one fluent movement made up of four individual sections. The main thing is to feel comfortable over the ball when taking your stance. The club head should be placed behind the ball which is equidistance between the feet, legs relaxed at the knee, allowing the arms to hang loose.